It is great to have you here! Are you seeking Jesus? If you are looking for a place where you will feel welcomed and hear the word of God proclaimed that has real life application, join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 am.
What to expect?
We get that trying anything new can be a scary experience. So…here’s some information that you might find helpful.
You’ll find us on Thistle St Molong. Around the corner from the oval, near the Police Station, we are not hard to find.
The church site has a big carpark. Once you’ve parked and arrived at the building, one of our friendly welcomers will greet you at the door.
Each week we will read a short section of the bible and the bible teacher will help us discover what God is revealing about Himself and how that impacts how we live. This usually goes for around 20 minutes. There are some songs. People will pray.
Please be assured that you won’t be asked to read anything, sing or say anything unless you feel compelled to do so. We are simply thankful that you have come along.
You’d be very welcome to join us!
What do I wear?
Most people dress casually, jeans/ t-shirt are just fine.
What about my kids?
We have a Sunday School for children aged 3 to Year 7.
We ensure all children’s ministry leaders who work with under 18s are not ‘prohibited persons’, and hold a current “Working with Children Check” clearance. They are also required to undertake Safe Ministry Training or equivalent, and to complete a refresher course every three years.
Will you be asked for money?
We do take an offering at our service – this is a secure mailbox at the back of the church or we give online, but don’t expect visitors to contribute.
Please come and join us!